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About Us

What if you could have a direct connection with your customers...the type of bond that great friends have? What if you could find out exactly what they think, what they want, and what they'd be happy to pay for? How valuable would that be!

Business is like a test and customers are the questions.

Not all gifts arrive in wrapped boxes with bows. Most of the time, some of the most important gifts are simple actions or maybe even just words. This is definitely true for feedback.

We help you get answers so you can ACE business.

There's absolutely no reason your customers need to be strangers. Make them your friends and watch amazing things happen in your business.

The Current World

Someone walks into your place of business. Maybe they've been there before and come with certain expectations. Maybe they're new and curious about what others have told them. Do you know who they are, what they need, or what they think about the experience your business is providing them?

How do you ever get in touch with them again?

Right now, you know so little about your customers, except perhaps their purchase habits, unless you actually talk to them personally. What do they think about your new marketing campaign? Are the employees treating them right? Was your place of business clean and presentable?

You just don't know what they're thinking.

What if something was wrong? How would your customer contact you? How would you follow up with them to let them know you've heard their complaint? How many customers would you lose before you found out what the problem was?

Making the World Better

We built an application that enables two-way interactions between you and your customers, without a lot of extra work for you. Your customers interact with you, in a way you define, while at a location you determine. You can ask them to take a poll, offer suggestions, or even just voice their complaints. There are many options.

Sure beats them going to Yelp to post their problems with you!

Our Product
We provide the ability for your customers to interact with you just by going to a website, either this one or yours, while at a certain location. A pop-up will open on that page with whatever message, question, or functionality you've set up for them to see.
Click here to see what it might look like.
Communicating with your customer makes all the difference between being just another vendor...and being their go-to provider.